This adventure started just over a year ago.
Alondra G. Lugo Rodriguez was one of the Supernova artists. I have tattoos from 9 different artists that were with Supernova at the time. Some good, some not so much but we’re helping new artists graduate past their apprenticeships. I had seen the work that she was doing and it looked really good. I setup an appointment and asked for an original piece. The only things I decided on was the location on my right arm, and the fact that the subject should be a *BEE*. It could be traditional, illustrative, realism, etc. She had total control.
Here is the tattoo that I got. Great artwork and applied very well. No complaints. The other artists in the shop were excited with/for me. They know I love helping artists out, and we were looking forward to seeing what Alondra came up with.

Sooo, last week I’m surfing Instagram and I see this on Alondra’s page.

She has deleted the messages so I can’t get a screenshot. My message to her was basically that I thought mine was the original and no one else had it. She replied back saying that I had seen this other tattoo on Insta and asked her to give me the same one. BULLSHIT! When I called her out for lying about that, she started to threaten me. In the interest of fairness and transparency I sent her the link to this page. That’s when I started getting these,

The gap above was because I said that she needed to learn the meaning of defamation. When I stopped replying to her, she apparently got angry. Next she tried insults. Calling me a *fucking psychopath*? For calling her out for lying? When that didn’t work, she started insulting my other tattoos and artists. Remember, the only thing I’ve done was to call out the fact that my tattoo was not original, and documented it on this page.
So, what did she do next? Why, called the cops of course. She claimed that I was harassing her continuously. The cop said that she felt I was doing this in retaliation for something that went on between her and the owners of Supernova. I get tattooed at Supernova. We don’t hang out, we don’t go out to lunch. We’ve never been at each others houses. Don’t get me wrong, it is my home shop but I get tattooed there, I don’t harass their clients or artists.
Let that sink in for a moment…She called the cops and lied to them also. Creepy behavior at best. How does a business owner act like that?
Digging into the image further, she apparently got this from Emily Hare on Pinterest. Not only did I get a copy when I paid for an original, but she didn’t draw it in the first place.

How many other people have *MY* tattoo? Oh well, so much for an original artist. I am not saying that anyone else needs to worry about this. If you like her art, by all means get tattooed. Even though I was lied to, I still love the tattoo. This is a review of my experience, nothing more.
In closing, I am still wondering how my displeasure with finding out I was lied to deserves the attacks, and the police being called. The cop was very clear that she said that I was attacking her s part of some bigger purpose. I will never trust her again, especially regarding the attacks. She wants me jailed for calling out her lies. Seriously, who the fuck does that?
It still seems crazy to me that Alondra Went off on me for calling out her lies. First, giving me a tattoo that wasn’t hers to give. I’m more blown away by the fact that she tried to claim that I saw the other tattoo on Instagram and wanted the same one. Of course, she got called out for lying…she did it twice.
No idea how true it is but I’m hearing from other people that she has done this more than just a few times. It’s just hearsay but I trust to others involved.
OMGLOL, I saw her mugshot yesterday. Arrested for assault of a family member.