Holy shit, this is a riot. Jeremy needs no introduction. I’m afraid we’ll lost him to the prison system soon,
Category: Admin
Ahhh, Jimmys World.
He surprised Grizzly with a ride in a jet.
Sunset at Starbase.
Go Elon! Go SpaceX! Go Starship!
From the mind of Elon, it’s Neuralink.
Seriously, no other human on Earth cares as much about humanity as he does. This is just a quick YT
Ariane 6 First Flight Attempt
No matter the result, here it is.
More technology, less politics.
The left has gone even further off the rails. I have to switch direction/focus. This is a beautiful image. Weather
Testing the RPG-7 On a Human Body
No, not a live person…hahaha. Ballistics gel analog of course.
Mike Shake Built the World’s Most Powerful Slingshot
This is pure insanity…and I LOVE IT!!!